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Our Clients

Priority Management is a training partner with many of the world's largest organizations in both the private sector and government.


We are proud of the work we do and have helped to improve the productivity and effectiveness of more than 2 million graduates worldwide.

CJ Ltd (Charm Diamond Centres)

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For the past 10 years, Priority Development has provided this private sector client with Leadership Development and Sales Leadership workshops on topics such as Coaching, Performance Management, Giving Feedback and Building Trust. These workshops have been organized as part of the annual national mangers conference held in Halifax, Nova Scotia. These sessions included anywhere from 20-45 leaders in a conference setting.


The client has expressed continued satisfaction with the Team’s adaptability of materials and approach over time as the Charm organization has developed and expanded across Canada. 

“I have had the pleasure of working with Tonya and her team both as a facilitator and a change management consultant over the past ten years at Charm diamond Centre.


Charm is the largest privately owned Jewelry chain in Canada with 85 stores coast-to-coast. We host an annual Manager meeting in Halifax every fall where we bring our entire Regional and Store management team to our beautiful province for training and development. Tonya and her Team facilitate a workshop with us as true partners to deliver our Training program to our store leaders and office management team.


The workshops provide a creative and professional context that allow us to continue to develop our store managers as true “people leaders” and “efficient store operators”.


Tonya and her Team deliver an excellent agenda on time and budget every year. They have become part of the “Charm” family and we rely on their ingenuity and experience to deliver an excellent workshop in our retail world, where the landscape is constantly changing.

If your organization requires a masterful facilitator or sales training pro, Tonya and her Team will add value."

 - Velvet Clarke, CPHR

National Director Human Resources

Feed Nova Scotia

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This non-profit client engaged us in 2018 to assist the board and operational management team with the development of a strategic direction and subsequent operationalization of the plan.  Over a series of five facilitated sessions, we were able to create a detailed operation plan to execute the new five-year strategy.


This strategy is now in place and continues to be refined by the operational management team, using the skills and approach we provided.

“We engaged Tonya to help our Leadership Team develop a strategic direction in support of four over-arching goals. Tonya took us through a process that: enabled us to explore our opportunities; distilled the ideas into priorities that had the potential for highest impact; and gave staff the required templates to make it operational.


Tonya infused the planning session with high energy, insightful listening, and a confidence that what we developed was both practical and ambitious. Her style is collaborative and engaging, and Tonya never veered from what was required in terms of an expected outcome.

Her questions allowed us to think through the work and timing required to deliver our plan, and once posed, Tonya would help us find the path that we wanted to embark on. 


I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Tonya for her experience, her approach, and her ability to work through the toughest challenges with those who engage her.”

 - Nick Jennery, CPHR

Executive Director, Feed Nova Scotia

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC)

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Looking to increase productivity around time and workload management, Public Service and Procurement Canada worked with Priority Management to provide  our WorkingSm@rt using MS Outlook course to some of their  employees. The training  was well received and the results were very positive for the attendees. 

“Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! That course yesterday on Outlook was amazing! In one day, I was able to do what I haven’t been able to accomplish in 15 years! My inbox is 100% EMPTY and I am totally on top of all my filing and my task list is organized. My stress level has dropped dramatically as every day I was coming in looking at 2100 emails in my box with 300 unread and slogging through everything. Now I have a strategy to be efficient and organized!”

 - Jill Greene, 

Project Leader, National Centre  of Expertise, PSPC

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